The world has been undergoing unprecedented transformations over the past two decades. Historical time has accelerated and thickened at the same time as a result of political, social, and economic challenges which led to new configurations of power on the global and local levels. The question “what is to be done?” seems more pressing than ever, as the 21st century seem to have dealt heavy blows to the egalitarian promise of the 20th century. Is there still space for a politics of liberation in the current predicament? And what this politics may look like? Having Greece as our entry point for these discussions, the “politics of Liberation” seminar series hopes to open up a global debate with regards to current political developments and to make the South, and in particular Athens where we are based, a centre for thinking together in challenging times.

The second part of the 2023/2024 seminar series will taking place at the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Office in Athens, which is located at 17 Kallidromioy Street, on selected Fridays at 7pm. All seminars will be recorded and uploaded shortly after completion of each session on this website, on each speaker’s respective page. 


The 2023/2024 seminar series will be hosted by the book-café Red ‘n Noir, which is located at 52 Drosopoulou Street in Kypseli, on selected Fridays at 7pm. All seminars will be recorded and uploaded shortly after completion of each session on this website, on each speaker’s respective page.
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